The creation of the KIRI TANSU - only possible by skilled Kamo craftsmen -

Paulownia chests in Kamo City are assembled in a traditional and unique way, employing the wooden peg technique to secure tight, long lasting fitting. Drawers and doors are meticulously designed to fit together perfectly and to create no undesired pgaps.

Wood preparation
Unlike in any other regions producing paulownia chests, our manufacturing process in Kamo City is a coherent, uninterrupted operation covering every stage of chest making from wood preparation to the very last finish. The cut down paulownla logs are allowed to dry under the sun for 3 years. This slow air-drying process can prevent from any coloring and deterioration.

After the wood surface is scrubbed to intensify fine grains, the chest is brush painted with a mixture of polishing powder and Alnus seeds several times. lt is then left to air-dry for a while, is evently waxed and the final polish.

Wood selection
Experienced craftsmen select wood material for use with great care, according to the manufacturing needs and applications. They pay particular attention to colors and grains of the material.

Metal fittings
Metal fittings add color to the paulownia chest. Long-practiced workmen fix handles. hinges, andpadlocks onto the chest, giving it the very finishing touch.